eBay Marketplace

eBay Marketplace


Interested in expanding your customer base and taking your business to the next level? eBay offers a low barrier to entry for sellers of all sizes, no matter where they’re located. eBay never competes with its sellers and only wins when they do. So take advantage of this opportunity to grow your business and reach new customers today.

eBay is a platform used by millions of sellers and buyers in over 190 markets worldwide. They provide technology that empowers their customers to grow and succeed.

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Data usage

Once connected, eBay will be able to access the following data sets:


Share products with eBay consumers.


Share current prices with eBay consumers.


Receive orders from eBay.


Submit order and shipment updates to eBay.


eBay Supplier Membership

In order to sell on the eBay Marketplace, suppliers need to create a verified account with eBay.


This app is private and requires application.